In this chapter for The Palgrave Handbook of Mimetic Theory and Religion (eds. James Alison, Wolfgang Palaver), titled “The Classical World: Sacrifice, Religion, Philosophy,” Nidesh Lawtoo takes the work of René Girard, read with Friedrich Nietzsche, Jane Harrison and other philologists, as a starting point to offer a genealogy of the role sacrifice plays in the classical period. The patho-logy of sacrificial violence, Lawtoo argues, both confirms and supplements mimetic theory. You can read the chapter here.
Tag Archives: mimesis
Conrad’s Shadow Wins Adam Gillon Award
We’re pleased to announce that Nidesh Lawtoo’s book Conrad’s Shadow: Catastrophe, Mimesis, Theory (MSU P, 2016) wins the Adam Gillon Award in Conrad Studies for best book of 2015-2017 (co-winner), a prize delivered by the Joseph Conrad Society of America. You can read the introduction here.
New essay on Wilde as a mimetic critic
Nidesh Lawtoo publishes new essay on Oscar Wilde’s fascination for theatrical forms of mimesis (lies, identification, impersonation, performance) in Symploke 26.1-2 (2018): 307-328. Read full article here
Prof. Christoph Wulf: The History and the Mimetic Foundation of Social Life
In this guest lecture/workshop on “The History and the Mimetic Foundation of Social Life” (Feb. 22, 2019), Prof. Wulf joins forces with participants in the HOM Seminar at KU Leuven to argue that mimesis is not only a debased copy; it is also, and above all, an anthropological human condition essential for learning, the transmission of culture, and the emergence of innovation–via creative forms of cultural imitation.
Workshop with Jean-Michel Rabate: Mimesis & Lies
HOM Videos: Trailer of Ep. 1, William E. Connolly and the Politics of Mimesis
The HOM Project is pleased to announce a series of video interviews on the contemporary relevance of mimesis. In ep. 1, PI Nidesh Lawtoo meets political theorist William E. Connolly to talk about the dangers of mimetic contagion in the age of Aspirational Fascism. Check out the trailer:
HOM Workshop with Jean-Luc Nancy (Dec. 7, 2018)
The HOM Project is happy to announce a workshop with Jean-Luc Nancy on December 7, 2018. The goal of the workshop is to revisit an untimely essay, titled Le mythe nazi (1981; written with Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe), in light of the recent return of neo-fascist leaders–both in Europe and in the US–who are currently turning the political into a fiction. Registration: